dimanche 9 octobre 2011

Womens Health: Problems and Solutions

Women are more prone than men to diseases such as osteoporosis for reasons that range from having smaller bodies and bone structure, to imbalances in the body's chemistry such as a loss of estrogen during menopause.Women who are thus affected also tend to have deficiencies in calcium and vitamin D. Ensuring an adequate intake of those two nutrients is a good place to start when looking to ensure the maintenance of strong bones -and optimumly to start early and have the nutritional rudiments well in place by the age of 30.Another wise practice is regularly exercise and some sensible work with weights is recommended. Exercise helps strengthen muscles and tendons that hold the bones, and prevent potential fractures. The human body is designed to be an active machine and thrives on work and in an age when gadgetry supplants the need for labor, it is wise not to let one's gadget level exceed one's activity level.Consult your doctor about bone health if you have concerns, and if appropriate have bone density testing done.Two things to avoid - and this applies to all medical conditions and general health -are smoking and drinking. Wishful thinking to the contrary the blunt truth is that these things ARE poisons - and addictive ones at that.And here's a tip, something I ran across during my years on staff at Narconon, there's a calcium/magnesium drink that works absolute wonders AND is a safe, natural tranquilizer and aid to sleep and relaxation to boot. It is called the CalMag formula and I HIGHLY recommend it. If you email me I will, as a personal favor and without charge, tell you where you can find the formula.We know that our immune systems protect us from disease and infections, but poor nutrition and abuse through drugs, alcohol and tobacco and so on can compromise it. And there are autoimmune diseases such as lupus, multiple sclerosis, thyroid disease and arthritis in which the immune system can malfunction to the degree that it actually attacks the body. There are over 80 different forms of autoimmune disease, and a number of them can be hereditary. Women, sadly, are very prone to such diseases, primarily during childbearing age and their most common symptoms are abnormal weight loss, muscle weakness, joint pain, cramps, or chronic fatigue. If you think you might be experiencing one or more of these conditions, most can be diagnosed by simple blood tests or medical examinations.It is becoming increasingly evident that obesity and poor diet play a key role in the onset of breast cancer and the point of all this is that the best way for a woman or man for that matter to protect their health, keep everything working as it should and prevent premature aging or even death is a sound diet in which the various minerals, enzymes, amino acids, protein and vitamins the body needs are present in the right proportions and in assimilable form.On that score I am very pleased to recommend what is in my view the best dietary supplement on the market. I never recommend anything I have not tried myself and found truly beneficial and this product I have tried to my own immense health benefits and I would like you to obtain the same benefits.But what is it? And why is it such a nutrient powerhouse? How can it help you beef up your immune system and provide you with nourishment at a cellular level?I am putting the finishing touches to an e-book that will answer all your questions. If you would like a free copy and/or the calmag formula then just email me.

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