dimanche 15 janvier 2012

A.M. Vitals: Pfizer CEO Says Lipitor Share is As Expected

Hanging On: Pfizer CEO Ian Read said the company’s name-brand Lipitor is retaining 37% to 38% of the overall U.S. market share for the drug as new generic versions compete for customers, the WSJ reports. Speaking at the J.P. Morgan health-care conference in San Francisco, Read said it would be hard for Lipitor to top that share. In June, more generic versions are expected to hit the market, priced at a 80% to 90% discount to the list price for the name-brand compared to 50% for current generics, the paper says.

Pot and Lung Function: A study of more than 5,000 people published in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggests that measures of lung function didn’t decline with marijuana use and may actually have improved, Reuters reports. Up until the equivalent of 2,555 lifetime joints, lung volume and air-flow rates increased. But researchers warned the results don’t mean pot is safe, Reuters reports.

WebMD Off the Block: The CEO of WebMD resigned and the health-information company took itself off the market amid its own projections of a 2% to 8% revenue decline and “significantly lower” net income this year, the WSJ reports. Anthony Vuolo, chief operating officer and chief financial officer, will become interim CEO while the board searches for a permanent successor to Wayne T. Gattinella, the paper says.

Assessing Life Expectancy: A review published in JAMA identifies 16 scales used to evaluate whether an older patient is likely to die within six months to five years, the New York Times reports. It’s not clear if the assessment scales, which are also posted at ePrognosis.org, will actually improve patient care, and authors caution they aren’t perfect.

Image: iStockphoto

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