lundi 9 avril 2012

Relief for Endo Pain

There is no downside to taking the Pill continuously to suppress menstruation. The FDA has just approved Seasonale (ethinyl estradiol/levenorgestrel), a contraceptive pill that allows women to have just four menstrual periods a year.

Another promising approach to reducing the pain of endometriosis is one of the aromatase inhibitors used in the treatment of advanced breast cancer. In a small study done at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, researchers found that 10 premenopausal women with painful endometriosis who had previously not responded to any other therapy experienced dramatic improvement in their symptoms after taking an aromatase inhibitor. In this case, the drug used was Femara (letrozole), one of several in this class. There were no significant side effects or complications during a 6-month period.

If you are troubled by ongoing pain, bleeding, and cramps from endometriosis, and you cannot be treated surgically, you should consider going on the Pill and taking it nonstop -- that is, without the customary week off once a month. When you want to begin trying to have a baby, you simply stop the Pill.

Another alternative for controlling the pain of endometriosis that's worth exploring with your doctor is an aromatase inhibitor called Femara. Results of a small study of premenopausal women with pain not responsive to other medication suggest that it's worth a try. Side effects and complications from its use appear to be minimal.

Reprinted from: Dr. Isadore Rosenfeld's 2005 Breakthrough Health, by Dr. Isadore Rosenfeld © 2005 Dr. Isadore Rosenfeld, M.D. (January 2005; $14.99US/$20.99CAN; 1-59486-140-4) Permission granted by Rodale, Inc., Emmaus, PA 18098. Available wherever books are sold or directly from the publisher by calling (800) 848-4735 or visit their website at

Author Dr. Isadore Rosenfeld is the best-selling author of nine books, including Live Now, Age Later and Dr. Rosenfeld's Guide to Alternative Medicine. He is a distinguished member of the faculty at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Medical College of Cornell University and attending physician at New York-Presbyterian Hospital and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. Dr. Rosenfeld can be seen every Sunday morning on his popular show Sunday Housecall on Fox News Channel. He is the health editor and a regular columnist for Parade magazine.

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