dimanche 8 avril 2012

Women Talk About Abnormal Uter

"4 months ago I had my baby via c-section due to a placenta previa. During the surgery we had some complications and my uterus had to be removed however, my cervix and ovaries were left in place. Now common sense tells me no uterus, no periods... However every 4 weeks I still have some spotting for 4-5 days. Has anyone else experienced this or would anyone know why this happens?" Has this happened to you? "I am 45 and recently started on hormones (Prempro) and Premarin. I am experiencing irregular breakthrough spotting which consists of what looks like old and very dark, clotty blood - sounds horrible I know! Is this normal? My doctor mentioned that I might experience some of this type thing for a few months while I am leveling out, but this has been an every day thing now. Clears for a day or two, then comes back." Have you experienced bleeding on HRT? "Has this ever happened to you? For several years while I was pre-menopausal, it seemed that doing sit-ups would bring on menstrual bleeding. Although I am now post-menopausal, I have been taking hormones and having occasional bleeding. I did some modified sit-ups yesterday, and today I have bleeding and cramps. I have regular gynecological check-ups, and no abnormalities have been found. Any suggestions?" Has this ever happened to you? "I was recently diagnosed with menorrhagia and my doctor put me on Orthocyclen to help regulate things. I was wondering if anyone else has been put on the pill to help menstrual disorders and how long it took before you saw any results. " Has your doctor prescribed the pill for abnormal bleeding?

More About Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

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