What’s Happening In Your Body
When you’re giddy over the purchase of a new bag, it’s because the feelgood hormones serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin are being released in your brain – and this can change your body language: “You may find that you sit up straighter and walk with a spring in your step,” says Durban-based counselling psychologist Maxine Grimett. According to Dr Sonja Lyubomirsky, author of The How Of Happiness: A New Approach To Getting The Life You Want, only 10 percent of the happiness you feel is because of external circumstances (that bag), 50 percent is down to genetic make-up and the other 40 percent is due to your attitude. Lasting happiness has more to do with how you behave and think, which you can control: “If you do the work, research shows that you can become happier, no matter what your set point is,” says Lyubomirsky.
Use Happiness To Your Advantage
A study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that being happy can increase your ability to think creatively. Now’s a good time to get painting, plan your winter wardrobe or work on a new marketing campaign.
Keep Up The Good Vibes
Start a gratitude journal. According to Dr Martin Seligman, author of Flourish: A Visionary New Understanding Of Happiness And Wellbeing, people who write “gratitude letters” to someone who has made a difference in their lives score higher on happiness and lower on depression – and the effect lasts for weeks.
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